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Benchmade Gold Class Knives for sale

Knife collectors are familiar with hard-working Benchmade knives but their Gold Class knives are limited edition top-shelf models. Many of them feature upscale materials like Damascus steel, carbon fiber, mokume, titanium, and other custom-quality materials. Benchmade upgrades popular models like the valet, bugout, griptilian, and proper series with upscale materials and assembled to hand-fit tolerances. We are proud to offer these Benchmade collector series to our customers as a Premium Authorized Dealer - act quickly - once a gold class model is soldout it is gone for good.

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The knives in Benchmade's Gold Class meet and surpass the expectations of customers - regardless of the reason for a purchase. Gold Class Knives are known for great features and design, so they are perfect for those who depend on knives. They are made in extremely limited production runs, so have value as collectibles. The top-grade materials used and ornamentation assure that they are treasured for appearance and beauty. And, these knives are also considered solid investments.

With so many reasons collectors desire Gold Class Knives, it is interesting to read what Benchmade has to say about their own knives. They are "erasing the lines between custom and manufactured." Benchmade meets this goal by offering a wide range of knives as well as allowing for individual customization of many features to make their edged tools absolutely your own (they call this "a matter of satisfying the ultimate desire").

It is easy to see that the design crew at Benchmade has a clear vision for their product. They seek to combine innovation in their knives, a hand-crafted finish, and the latest technologies in the manufacturing process. Benchmade attributes much of the excellence of their knives to a focus on "Three 'M's." Firstly, materials. The blades are premium steel (the exact steel used varies by specific knife), and the handles are both durable and beautiful. Secondly, mechanisms. Benchmade uses patented locking mechanisms which make their knives highly functional and reliable. And lastly, the manufacturing itself. Benchmade takes pride in having all their facilities and techniques modern, using laser cutters and CNC machining centers for an extremely high level of precision and quality control. This desire to be up-to-date carries into considering environmental impact: their factory was honored to receive LEED certification as a Green Building in 2011.

Check back often to see what new models of Benchmade Gold Class Knives are available for your own use and enjoyment or for a very special gift. As you shop, remember the Benchmark motto - It's Not Just a Knife. It’s a Benchmade. And their Gold Class Knives are quite simply their best.